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Obra completamente instrumental basadada en reflexiones espirituales o filosóficas. El sentido de la perdidad y la oportunidad de levantarse de cada individuo, es lo que trata de explicar a través de la música que contiene éste disco. Para conseguir ésto las 9 canciones están puestas en orden preciso desde la desesperación hasta la alegría real.

A whole instrumental opus based on spiritual or phylosophical reflection. The sense of loss and the chance to get up of each single man and woman is what he's trying to explain in music. So the nine tracks are put in a precise order that goes from desperation to real joy.


1 Entrance / The Corridor Of The Seven Doors 5:47

2 1st Door / Reflections From Childhood 4:02

3 2nd Door / Castles Of Sand 13:06

4 3rd Door / Loss Of Identity In The Labyrinth Of Delusions 3:15

5 4th Door / The Magic Mirror 3:52

6 5th Door / Beyond The Wall Of Ignorance 7:35

7 6th Door / Peace Of Mind 4:54

8 7th Door / The Fountain Of Real Joy 5:36

9 Exit 3:37

GANDALF Magic Theatre

  • Label: WEA ‎– 2292-40293-2

    Format: CD, Album

    Country: Germany

    Released: 1990

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