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Primera reedición de esta pieza de jazz hipnótico y música progresiva, en la onda de grupos como Hansson & Karlsson, que ha pasado desapercibida para la mayoría de coleccionistas hasta ahora. El organista americano Bruce Powell y el batería polaco
Wladyslaw Jagiello se conocieron en Suecia en 1969, donde grabaron este insólito y maravilloso álbum, uno de los discos más raros publicados en ese país.


First ever reissue of this piece of hypnotic jazz and progressive music, in the same vein as bands like Hansoon & Karlsson, which has remained under the radar for most collectors until now. American Hammond player Bruce Powell and Polish drummer Wladyslaw Jagiello met in Sweden in 1969 and recorded this wonderful and unique album, one of the rarest records ever released in the country.


1 Reality (Part I)
2 Blue Variations
3 Reality (Part II)
4 Wild Enough
5 Reality's Monologue
6 No Nuthin' At All
7 Prince Vlady (Part I)
8 I Need You Now
9 Prince Vlady (Part II)
10 The Master


14,90 € Regular Price
9,90 €Sale Price
  • Label: Vampi Soul – VAMPI CD 163
    Format: CD, Album, Reissue, Remastered
    Country: Spain
    Released: Sep 25, 2015

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